

Bo-taoshi is a sport played mainly in Japan. The sport plays very differently from almost every other sport. The game is made up of 2 teams normally consisting of 75 players each.  The attacking team has to knock down the pole of the defending team. The sport seems simple enough but what’s really interesting is the physicality. To give the attacking team an edge, some of their team members get down on all 4’s and act like springboards so other attackers can launch off of them to jump over defenders. Attackers also throw themselves at defenders injuring each other severely.


Dragon Boat Racing

A dragon boatThis traditional sport in China was started in 476 B.C. after the Chinese rescued a poet. The king participated in the first races were composed of ships but over the years the sport has become less and less traditional. Now the events look nothing more than a normal rowing competition.  The races have been held in 13 countries in the last 20 years including Philadelphia, USA and Vancouver, Canada.