Weird Olympic Sport 3


For those of you who don’t know what the new and weird Olympic sport Handball is check out this video first.

2 Men Playing HandballThis sport looks pretty fun to play actually. It’s fast paced and looks like a lot of sports mashed together. Most prominently, basketball and soccer.  I like both of those sports and the combination of the two looks really fun to play. Sadly, Handball is a relatively new sport and hasn’t made its way to the States yet so I’ll have to wait until then to get my hands on it.

a speed flyer jumping off a mountain.

Speed Flying

This sport seems like a dream come true. I love the risk element in the gliding part of it and I’ve always wanted to snowboard more. Plus, you get the added bonus of feeling like James Bond chasing some bad guy in the Alps.

I would definitely give this sport a shot, the only problem: I don’t think I ever will. As much as I would love to do it, I think the cost would be incredible to fly overseas and get everything ready to do this.