Latin America


The game of Tejo is normally played in Columbia with some of the same rules as Horseshoes. The game is normally played at parties with liquor being the reward but there are a few smaller competitive leagues.

The game is normally played with the competitor standing 22 meters or 72 feet away from a sand pit with the center being filled with clay so the stone “Tejo” disk doesn’t bounce. If you are a little off with your throw however and BOOM! The Tejo landed on one of the packets of gunpowder surrounding the center.A Tejo Pit.

You are scored on how close you are to the center ring you get.

  • 3 points for hitting a gunpowder packet
  • 6 points for landing in the ring


Street Luge

Ever wanted the winter olympics to come a bit sooner? Well look no further than street luge. The sport made by a Brazilian man in 2001 made the normally winter sport- available in every country any time of the year. The street luge isn’t very different than its winter counterpart with the only exceptions being that the boards have wheels instead of skates and it takes place in the streets.A picture of 3 people Street Luging.