North Europe

Skijoring2 people skijoring in Sweden.

Skijoring is a weird and slightly dangerous sport invented in Sweden. The sport consists of a motorcyclists pulling a skier behind him through a ice-packed course at high speeds. It’s a lot like water-skiing, just with a lot more danger and cold thrown in. The sport is still in it’s infancy even though variants of it have existed for hundreds of years.


Speed Flying
A Speed Flyer jumping off a cliff

Speed flying, a popular sport in the mountains of Sweden is a mix between 2 very different sports. The first being skiing and snowboarding. The competitors start at the top of a large mountain skiing down as fast as they can. The second part comes into place when they fly off the edge of the mountain. They pull their glider string and glide to the ground far below them. This sport is only for the athletes with nerves of steel.