United States

Ultimate Taser Ball

UTB is a sport that was invented in California. The rules of the game are almost exact to soccer with a few major exceptions:

  • Each player carries a stun-gun on them and can use it on the ball carrier onlya taser
  • The actual ball is much like a beach ball but painted like a soccer ball
  • The field is 200 feet long and 85 feet wide
  • You can only stun people in a special zone around the goal
  • You cannot kick or punt the ball
  • You can tackle
  • 4 players per team
  • 3 quarters lasting 7 minutes each

Unfortunately for taser fans everywhere it is a mostly dead sport. The last tournament held was in Bangkok India in 2012 and consisted of 4 international teams where they competed in between the international paintball championships.



The Idiotrod is a spoof of a dog-sled event called the “Iditarod” held in Alaska. The 2 events share some almost no similarities beside the similar names but the Idiotrod is still a very cool sport.

800px-portland_urban_iditarod_2008_-_cavemenOrganized by some college students in the early 2000’s the event held all over the USA and Canada is made up of teams pushing a shopping cart. The teams dress themselves and their cart up in some very interesting costumes and take to the streets in a furious race. Their are no rules for sport which means that tampering and messing with other teams to slow them down is an often occurrence.